Business Operation and Anti-Fraud
Business Operation and Anti-Fraud
The directors, executives, and employees of The Company shall not engage in or condone any form of corruption and will strictly comply with anti-corruption measures, including establishing a structure for responsible persons and a risk management system, internal control, and internal auditing, to strictly prevent and suppress fraud and corruption within the organization.
"Corruption" refers to the act or omission of performing or abstaining from performing duties or exercising authority in a position of authority improperly, in violation of The Company's laws, ethics, regulations, or policies, in order to seek unlawful benefits through illegal means. This includes various actions such as demanding, accepting, offering or giving property Including any other benefits to government officials or any other person doing business with the company, etc.
“Political Contributions” refer to providing support in the form of money or other means, to support political activities. This may include providing loans, personnel support, goods or services, promoting or supporting political parties, purchasing tickets for fundraising events, or donating money to organizations closely associated with a political party, etc.

Whistleblowing Policy
Good control business principle for registered company shall prescribed committees control in order to business has the process for complaint handling and operate if has whistleblowing.
Whistleblowing Policy
Whistleblowing Form
Your questions and comments are important to us. Please use the form below to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Matters for which whistleblowing or complaint-filing applies:
- Unlawful practices, frauds against company regulations, or violation of the code of conduct by directors, executives, and employees
- Irregularities of financial reports or defects in the internal control system
- Human Rights Violation
- Matters affecting Bangchak's interests or reputation
- Follow-Up